The NZMCA has over 400 volunteer Self-Containment Officers nationwide

And these officers are qualified to inspect vehicles against the ‘New Zealand Standard for Self containment of motor caravans and caravans’ – NZS 5465:2001.

NZMCA Self-Containment Officers are members of the association who volunteer their time to help inspect members' vehicles and promote responsible motor caravanning through certified self-containment. 

Financial members are welcome to login to the member's section of this website and contact a local Self-Containment Officer(s) to arrange a vehicle inspection at a convenient time and place. Along with vehicle inspections, Self-Containment Officers are available to assist financial members with any queries relating to vehicle certification against the Standard.

When contacting an NZMCA testing officer please remember they are volunteers and observe reasonable hours preferably between 8:30am to 8:00pm.

NOTE: As this is a volunteer service we ask that you arrange a convenient appointment time with the Self-Containment Officer and take your vehicle to them, otherwise the officer may seek mileage reimbursement from you.

Some Self-Containment Officers are registered plumbers who operate their own businesses and therefore may charge a fee for their time. It is noted in the Contact Search section on the members’ side of the website if a fee may apply. When arranging a vehicle inspection, please ask the registered plumber to confirm their inspection fee. 

Interested commercial operators, e.g. vehicle hirers, manufacturers, and dealers, should contact the national office on 09 298 5466 or [email protected] to discuss how we can help you.

Please note, the NZMCA's volunteer service is available to financial members and preferred commercial partners only. However, there are other people and organisations who may be available to assist you, for example:

  • Any registered plumber
  • All Points Camping NZ
  • Vanco (Auckland)

Disclaimer: please be aware the NZMCA does not endorse other issuing authorities operating under NZS 5465:2001. The NZMCA will only accept a self-containment certificate issued by another issuing authority if the document has been completed correctly and the vehicle clearly satisfies the full requirements of NZS 5465:2001.

To find a Self-Containment Officer close to you, log into the Members Portal and find one under Contact Search. Note: you can also check neighbouring NZMCA Areas just in case the SC officer's location may be nearer to yours.