Kerikeri to Waitangi

Walking Trail

4 hrs - 5 hrs, medium difficulty

About the trail
18 km one way. From the historic Kemp House & Stone Store on Kerikeri Basin, leave Kerikeri Rd & follow the Kororipo Pa Track which curves around the headland to the SE.

Dog friendly: No

Things to know

Vehicles on road or track, forestry operations, bikes and horses.

From the historic Kemp House & Stone Store on Kerikeri Basin, leave Kerikeri Rd & follow the Kororipo Pā Track which curves around the headland to the SE. Once on the headland, follow the wide pasture track SW until a DOC marker post identifies a track heading SE down into a gully and over a pedestrian bridge to Pā Rd. Walk SE up Pā Rd & turn NE into Kerikeri Inlet Rd. Continue on for 2km to a forest gate & the northern end of Te Wairoa Rd - the start of the Waitangi Forest Track. This route is a mix of footpath, grass, easy walking track & road berm.

Waitangi Forest Track - 14.5km / 3hr

As it leaves Kerikeri Inlet Road the trail ascends gradually through young pines for 2.6km to a road junction. Enter into Waitangi forest at Te Wairoa road entry point, then follow Te Wairoa road until you turn right onto Te Puke and exit at the Mt Bledisloe gate. Keep a close eye on navigation, or use a GPS to connect to Te Puke Rd.

This forest has active logging operations. Be extremely careful of logging trucks and harvesting activities.

In partnership with Ngati Hapu Ki Waitangi:

  • Wear a high-vis vest/jacket throughout the forest for personal safety and to increase walker visibility for logging truck drivers.
  • Stay on the track and do not deviate from the track for your safety.
  • Trees may be felled within two tree lengths of the track.
  • Heed all signs and do not enter areas marked as closed.
  • Be aware of tree felling within

At this point, anyone with interest in Te Araroa history may want to look out for a plaque and Te Araroa cairn on the side of the road with information about the trail, assembled from local volcanic rock by Kerikeri sculptor Chris Booth and restored in 2014. This marks the opening of this route; the very first Te Araroa track.

Continue on Te Puke Road 1km to pass Mt Bledisloe (105m) before turning east onto Haruru Falls Rd. Laving the forest behind you, emerge onto Tau Henare Drive, Waitangi. Follow the road through the Waitangi Golf Course past the Waitangi Treaty Grounds and continue down to the Waitangi Bridge.

Maintained by Te Araroa

Source: Walking Access Commission Ara Hīkoi Aotearoa

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